Terms of Use

Users of KSCopen are expected to abide by all federal and state law (including copyright and intellectual property law) as well as by Keene State College’s Network and Computer Use Policy (CNUP), KSC’s Code of Conduct , and KSC’s mission and values.

KSC may remove any content that is found to be in violation of any of these laws, policies, standards or do not align with KSC values.

Domains may not be used for nonprofit or for-profit businesses or organizations and may not act as gateways for financial transactions. In addition, domains may not be used for events that are non-recurring or do not involve the KSC community.

KSC may terminate this project at any time. Users will be given the opportunity to take personal ownership of their domains and export all of their content if the project should end.

Computer and Network Use Policy (CNUP)
The Information Technology Group (IT Group) has developed the Computer and Network Use Policy (CNUP). This policy is designed to guide individuals in the acceptable use of computers, information systems, and networks owned by Keene State College. Read and understand CNUP and your responsibilities before you register for space on KSCopen. http://www.keene.edu/administration/policy/detail/cnup/ 

The Registrar’s Office has in depth information about FERPA but essentially the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, (FERPA) as amended establishes requirements regarding the privacy of student records. FERPA governs:

  • the release of educational records maintained by the College
  • access to educational records

Student privacy and working on the web
Faculty have a responsibility to students who choose not to work in the open and choose not to put themselves on the web. Faculty should design comparable assignments and/or projects in which students can participate with no threat of a lesser grade. Asking a student to use a fictitious name or pseudonym is not an acceptable alternative to a comparable assignment.

Together with representatives from the Registrar’s Office, the Information Technology Group, and the then Center for Engagement, Learning and Teaching (CELT), met to develop guidelines for faculty who use social media and the web as part of a student’s academic experience. Written in 2010 and reviewed in 2015, the guidelines apply to the KSCopen project http://dept.keene.edu/at/2010/03/03/celt-to-work-on-ferpasyllabus-boilerplate/

KSCopen is hosted by Reclaim Hosting, founded in 2012 by educators Jim Groom and Tim Owens then of the University of Mary Washington.  Reclaim Hosting’s privacy policy was reviewed and approved as a vendor for Keene State College by the Information and Technology Group. Their privacy policy can be found here: https://reclaimhosting.com/privacy-policy/